Scalar, Vector, and Tensor Mathematics of CFD

I am new to tensor mathematics and CFD mathematics, but the following books have been quite helpful. [1-3] have great reviews of the mathematics of scalars, vectors, and tensors. [2-4] together cover the mathematics of CFD. Now, I just need better comprehension. #CFDBooks #BeginningOpenFOAM

Note that equation 10b is wrong in Mathematical Exposition 1[3]. See [5] for verification by a PhD in Fluid Dynamics from University of Texas at Austin.


[1] SimCenter. National Center for Computational Engineering. An Introduction to Vectors and Tensors from a Computational Perspective. URL:

[2] Tobias Holzmann. Mathematics, Numerics, Derivations and OpenFOAM(R), Holzmann CFD, Leoben, fourth edition, February 2017. URL: 

[3] Warsi, Z.U.A.. Fluid Dynamics. Taylor and Francis CRC ebook account. Kindle Edition. 

[4] Hirsch, Charles. (2007). Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows: The Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Elsevier
