A Positive Outlook: Professor Hrvoje Jasak

Can you believe Professor Jasak[https://www.lsc.phy.cam.ac.uk/staff/dr-hrvoje-jasak] is a professor and researcher at the same University of Cambridge that Dr. Stephen Hawking, famous theoretical physicist, researched and taught at. Cambridge has a 21% acceptance rate.

I am excited because he has been a LinkedIn contact of mine for more than a year. In the last couple months, he contacted me and offered to supervise my OpenFOAM learning. He said he would share his lectures from University of Cambridge too.

I told him my goals, my desires, and that I needed to complete them before I accept his offer. He didn’t say no. I need to complete MIT differential equations series, MIT advanced fluid mechanics from MIT mechanical engineering graduate school, and MIT analysis and transport from MIT chemical engineering graduate program. I also need to complete my self study of Fox and McDonald’s introduction to fluid dynamics. Then, I plan to self study a book on Finite Volume Method, a book on computational fluid dynamics, and two books on turbulence. Then, I might pay for an OpenFOAM introductory course from OpenFOAM foundation or ESI. I also need to successfully draft my waterjet propulsion system. After all that, I said I will ask for his supervision.

He didn’t say no. Instead, he looked at my profile. I have grand plans, but I don’t want to waste the opportunity to learn from Dr. Jasak. I want to be an intelligent and educated student and well prepared. If I do, my chances of successfully modeling the waterjet propulsion system will be greater. I share my successes on LinkedIn because success are more fun when shared and celebrated, but I also want Dr. Jasak to know that I am working my goals. He is a brilliant engineer, CFD expert, and mathematician. He is a world class researcher in CFD. I am lucky he offered to supervise me.

Scalar, Vector, and Tensor Mathematics of CFD

I am new to tensor mathematics and CFD mathematics, but the following books have been quite helpful. [1-3] have great reviews of the mathematics of scalars, vectors, and tensors. [2-4] together cover the mathematics of CFD. Now, I just need better comprehension. #CFDBooks #BeginningOpenFOAM

Note that equation 10b is wrong in Mathematical Exposition 1[3]. See [5] for verification by a PhD in Fluid Dynamics from University of Texas at Austin.


[1] SimCenter. National Center for Computational Engineering. An Introduction to Vectors and Tensors from a Computational Perspective. URL: https://www.utc.edu/sites/default/files/2020-06/utc-cecs-simcenter-2014-01.pdf

[2] Tobias Holzmann. Mathematics, Numerics, Derivations and OpenFOAM(R), Holzmann CFD, Leoben, fourth edition, February 2017. URL: http://www.holzmann-cfd.de 

[3] Warsi, Z.U.A.. Fluid Dynamics. Taylor and Francis CRC ebook account. Kindle Edition. 

[4] Hirsch, Charles. (2007). Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows: The Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Elsevier

[5] https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4266972/am-i-expanding-grad-v-which-is-in-index-notation-correctly-is-equation-10b-wr